Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Conservative vs Libertarian the most important battle in 2010

I received this email today from a Conservative Republican & Family Values activist here in the Bitterroot Valley, Dallas Erickson.

Dallas and I have spoken a few times and while we may agree to disagree about some of the minutiae surrounding politics within the Republican Party, I respect and support his views on the danger that the Libertarian Party and ill-informed Republicans who claim to have "libertarian" streaks pose to the local and national debate about values and the rule of law in our society.

For your consideration...

"Dear Friends,

I just received this email from a conservative in Ravalli County:

'I just recieved an email forwarded from the Montana "Conservative" Alliance and a fellow named Roger Koopman.

Koopman and his organization are endorsing Libertarian and RINO-tarian candidates statewide under the guise of Conservative politics.

The MCA is going to attempt to split the Conservative vote in this valley by endorsing libertarians running as "Real Conservatives" and trying to confuse social conservatives and Republican voters with the false arguments about "who is the most conservative" candidate running for the job.

We need to get the word out that Koopman is a Libertarian, he served as a Ron Paul staffer in Washington D.C. and that an endorsement by the MCA is likely an endorsement from the same groups that support the socially liberal policies of the Libertarian party.

So far MCA has endorsed Art Baker, Jeff Burrows, Richard Stamey and Tobias Martin.

I have attached a link from the Flathead beacon that addresses Koopman's dislike of socially conservative candidates and his other interesting affiliations.


Please take a few minutes to review the comments at the bottom of the article, there are three pages of them.

It sounds as though the Republican candidates for the legislature are going to the Celebrating Conservatism meeting tonight and I am concerned that th Libertines will be there in force to make their usual attacks. Can you send out a call to the solid republican types that you know to show up and lend their support for our candidates?

Keep up the good fight.

(anonymous because I don't have permission to forward the email and time is of the essence) '

I consider Roger Koopman my friend and we have had some serious discussions about Ron Paul and his extreme Libertarian positions. I believe Roger is in denial about Ron Paul's Libertarianism. I would encourage people to follow the link in the email above and read the two articles about the TAB and the survey.

In my opinion, the fight for our nation's well being is not between the Republicans and the Democrats but between true Conservatives and Libertarians at this time. For those in Ravalli County I would encourage you to go to http://ivotelibertarian.com/ and note the names at the top of the page. If you want to know what these and other Libertarians stand to read the attachment that is available on a link from the above internet address.

A close reading of that document will reveal that Libertarians stand for:

1. The rights of homosexuals to marry;

2. No legal controls on media of any type and therefore against laws making child pornography and obscenity illegal;

3. Unregulated prostitution;

4. The right for a mother to kill her unborn child;

5. Unregulated recreational drugs and narcotics;

6. Unregulated sexually oriented businesses;

7. Support for laws such as Missoula passed to give people, no matter their sexual orientation, access to churches and their services and activities without limitation, including access to teaching Boy Scouts and other youth groups.

This is just a few of the elements of the Libertarian platform that, in my opinion, would deal the finishing blow to families, our nation and out position as a Christian Nation, founded by men who supported laws that reflected just the opposite of the Libertarian positions.

Be aware that there are Libertarians running as Republicans in several areas of the state. Jerry O'Neal is one that has voted against bills on the moral issues because of his Libertarian view. Another is Art Baker running for Senate in Ravalli County. Art Baker is another who has stated in emails that to have laws against drugs and pornography takes away "agency" that God gave us and violates the principles of Christianity. He can refute that if he wants to and would welcome his response.

Rick Stamey is another who has come out in support of the Missoula Mayor using the school children to support the "diversity day" and the Peeping Tom Protection Ordinance on the night of the hearing in Missoula. All was peaceful until those children arrived that included many college students and then words like "Jesus was a Queer" were heard clearly as well as rocks being thrown towards our picketers and hit two of them.

Another thing to look for in candidates is how they feel about Israel and the circumstances in the Mid East. Many do not like Israel and feel they are to blame for much of what is happening with terrorists and our situation. Some of them are or border on being anti-Semites.

Another question for them is are they a "911 truther"? Many, including Art Baker have made public comments indicating that they believe that President Bush was complicit, along with the rest of the U.S. Government, in blowing up the Twin Towers.

The TAB system of identifying a good candidate is flawed, even according to Rob Natelson who helped put it together. It does not address what the positions and votes are on on the social or moral issues. None what-so-ever. So it is not a good way to judge whether a candidate is conservative or not. Some one who rates very high in that index could be a flaming Libertarian and carry the ACLU banner.

In my opinion a true Conservative is anyone who reflects the Reagan brand of conservatism and he was a champion on the moral issues.

Beware this year because there is an effort to get candidates in that are Libertarian which would do more damage to this nation than any other philosophy.


Dallas D. Erickson
4479 Store Lane
Stevensville MT 59870
Cell: (406)240-5277

Dallas can sure make his point. Anyone who'd be interested in learning more about the Libertarian Party and its Platform can find the information at WWW.LP.ORG or at their national publication, WWW.REASON.COM

I have been working on a series of essay comparing and contrasting the differences in the two national party platforms and will begin posting those essays, point by point in the very near future.

1 comment:

  1. to briefly repair some minor misunderstanding:

    1. The rights of homosexuals to marry;

    Marriage is not a right. Free contract and free association are rights. Anyone can define marriage however they choose but the government defines it as a contract. Libertarians desire that homosexuals be allowed (like heterosexuals) to make contracts w/o third party (the government)interference. We want government out of the marriage business. Why do conservatives, liberals and statists want government in the marriage business ?

    2. No legal controls on media of any type and therefore against laws making child pornography and obscenity illegal;

    Child abuse is illegal. Any adult aiding/abetting a child abuser has also committed a crime.
    Obscenity is best defined (if possible) at the local level so that the laws have teeth.
    Adults have the right to make their own decisions about how to live. Libertarians suggest that you use you intellect to persuade not the gun.

    3. Unregulated prostitution;

    Who would be best to regulate prostitution? Like every commercial transaction, prostitution is already regulated by the producer and the consumer.

    4. The right for a mother to kill her unborn child;

    Many libertarians prefer life for the unborn including myself, Ron Paul, http://www.humblelibertarian.com/ , and http://www.thestoryofagirl.com/.
    This is a difficult subject. How should the guilty be punished?

    5. Unregulated recreational drugs and narcotics;

    What is regulation? Who is in charge?
    What is recreation? Show me the victim?

    6. Unregulated sexually oriented businesses;

    see item 3

    7. Support for laws such as Missoula passed to give people, no matter their sexual orientation, access to churches and their services and activities without limitation, including access to teaching Boy Scouts and other youth groups.

    This is false. Libertarians believe in privacy.

    Hope this helps.
    Also, unless someone's keeping a big secret, Reason and Reason Online are editorially independent publications of the Reason Foundation, a national, non-profit research and educational organization. The connection is only ideological.
